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In 2016 Campus Brasil supported international study programming from 5 foreign universities during the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics.

From logistics and accommodation coordination to local introductions (interviewees) and Brazilian student support integration.

Watch Campus Brasil Director Daniel Amgarten discuss our supportive role during the Olympics



The program brought together students from diverse academic programs from Ball State, Ohio University and Mackenzie University to cover and experience the first South American Olympics!
The Ball State at the Games is a student-managed news operation that works in conjunction with several media organizations to provide original multimedia content about the Olympic culture, host-country, athletes and spectators. For the past two Olympic seasons, Ball State University’s Department of Journalism sent student journalists to London and Sochi to cover the Games, and they find the stories that media companies want in a media landscape that is constantly changing and shifting.  
Ball State at the Games: 2016 Teaser
Check out all the content 
produced by BSU at the Games Team
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Starting in spring 2016, 19 juniors and seniors from the Knight School of Communication at Queens University of Charlotte started to prepare and study to join 6 Mackenzie University students as Olympic storytellers at the Rio 2016 Olympics.
The team was in Rio de Janeiro for the full two weeks of the Olympics, covering stories from local perceptions of the Games to athlete interviews. The student journalists produced professional content, developing their skills in videography, still photography, reporting, writing, interviewing, digital media, and editing.
"Residents of Rio", one of many stories produced by Queens in Rio Team
Explore more of the content 
produced by the Queens in Rio Team
A group of 25 students and 3 faculty members from Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication were in Rio de Janeiro to cover the 2016 Olympics for Cronkite News, the news division of Arizona PBS. Stories with Arizona and Pac-12 ties, along with in-depth coverage about the Games, current local events and Brazilian perspectives were published throughout the Olympics on the Cronkite News website and Arizona PBS, channel eight.
The group represented the largest Arizona-based group of reporters in Rio covering the Olympics!
Cronkite News Special: Arizona at the Olympics
Explore more content produced by the Cronkite News Team:
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For a month 16 students experienced Brazil interacting with the history the country and of the Olympics, while examining the the different ways countries promote health through physical activity. The group attended many Olympic events including women’s basketball game, after which fellow Blue Hen Elena Delle Donne acknowledged their presence with a couple thumbs up, team handball, track and field, field hockey, beach volleyball and badminton.
The program was led by Dr. Steve Goodwin, a professor in UD’s department of behavioral health and nutrition, and joined by two other UD representatives.
"BRASIL 2016" aftermovie produced by 
Delaware student Nikki Patel
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In partnership with Mackenzie Presbyterian University, one of the most renowned educational institutions in Brazil, Campus Brasil provided a unique internationalization at home experience for a group of Mackenzie journalism students.
The University of Mackenzie, in partnership with Campus Brasil, selected 19 journalism students to work alongside the visiting international students from Arizona State University, Ball State University and Queens University of Charlotte to help produce professional content with an intercultural lens.
The opportunity was for some the first time in Rio and the first time out of São Paulo. The experience gave these Mackenzie students an opportunity to explore more of their own country while developing intercultural competencies. The initiative was designed to not only provide further support to the international students, but moreover to emphasize internationalization at home.
Mackenzie student Marina Scherer shares her experience
during the Olympic week with Queens University.
She was also part of a story published on
the USA Today College Edition which you can access by clicking here
The students produced lots of journalistic content 
which was compiled in the University Newspaper, which you can access by clicking on the image
(in Portuguese)
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